Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Julia Language

The purpose of this post is to mention the Julia Language. It is a new language for technical computing. Its main strength is that it runs faster than R, MATLAB...etc. The code is compiled Just-In-Time. In the backend, amongst other things, it has LAPACK and ARPACK.

So check out

Saturday, March 24, 2012

R Programming Syntax Quickstart

If you have ANY programming experience in other languages, this guide will get you started in R very quickly.

Logic Operators

a == ba equals b
a != ba is not equal to b
a > ba is greater than b
a < ba is less than b
a >= ba is greater than OR equal to b
a <= ba is less than OR equal to b
(condition 1) & (condition 2)(condition 1) AND (condition 2)
(condition 1) | (condition 2)(condition 1) OR (condition 2)

Also, try the following to understand "&&" and "||":

> a<-c(1:10) > b<-a > c<-b > c[1:4]<-.5 > (a == b) && (a > c)
[1] TRUE
> (a == b) & (a > c)
> (a == b) | (a > c)
> (a == b) || (a > c)
[1] TRUE

IF statements

The general example:

if( condition ) {

} else if( other condition ){

} else {


The specific example:

if( a <= 54.9 ) {
   print("a is less than or equal to 54.9")
} else if( a == 55 ){
   print("a equals 55")
} else {
   print("a is greater than 54.9 and not 55")

For Loops

The general example:

for(variable in vector) {


Specific examples:

#example 1
for(i in 1:10) {

#example 2

for(i in index.vector) {

#example 3
for(i in 1:10) {
   if(i == 3) {
   } else if(i == 7) {

#example 4

for(i in 1:3) {
   for(j in 1:4) {

While Loops

General Example:

while(condition) {


Note that you must something write something within the while that will update at least one of the variables in the condition. Otherwise, you could have a perpetual loop.

Specific Example:

i<- -1
while( i < 10) {


Repeat Loop

In a repeat loop, you not only explicitly update variables, you must also explicitly test the condition.
Specific Example:

i<- -1
   if( i == 10) {


For example, you could have a function that evaluates a formula. A function can call other functions.

General Example:

function_name<-function(parameters) {


Specific Example:

calcQuadratic<-function(a, b, c, x) {




Testing for seasonal unit roots in R

I will explain seasonal unit root testing in R. Briefly, R is a language for statistical computing. It is very similar to MATLAB, SAS...etc. The website is

Suppose that a our dataset is seasonal and that we intend to use a seasonal ARIMA model. We need to test our time to see if it is seasonal integrated.

Version 3.x of the "forecast" R package has a new function for testing for seasonal unit roots. The function is nsdiffs().

R also comes with a US Accidental Deaths dataset.

So to follow along, open up R and type the following:


You will then see the US Accidental Deaths dataset. You can see that it is monthly.

Now install the "forecast" R package from CRAN. Then load it.

To view the help file for the nsdiffs() type:


It will bring up a page that is for both nsdiffs and ndiffs.

There are two tests that have been implemented in nsdiffs, the OCSB test (default) and the Canova-Hansen test. You can also speicify the seasonal period of your dataset. USAccDeaths is a TS object and the seasonal period or "frequency" is a data member of the USAccDeaths/TS object.

To perform the OCSB test:


To perform the Canova-Hansen test:

>nsdiffs(USAccDeaths, test="ch")

The ouput: "1" means that there is a seasonal unit root and "0" that there is no seasonal unit root.

You will notice that the two different tests give two different answers. This is because the Canova-Hansen test is less likely to decide in favour of a seasonal unit root than the OCSB test. Unlike the Canova-Hansen test, the OCSB test has a null hypothesis of a unit root. The USAccDeaths dataset is "on the edge". Osborn (1990) writes that when in doubt, it's better to seasonally difference.

Osborn, DR (1990) "A survey of seasonality in UK macroeconomic variables", International Journal of Forecasting 6(3):327-336

Osborn DR, Chui APL, Smith J, and Birchenhall CR (1988) "Seasonality and the order of integration for consumption", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 50(4):361-377.

Canova F and Hansen BE (1995) "Are Seasonal Patterns Constant over Time? A Test for Seasonal Stability", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 13(3):237-252.

Analytics Blog

I started with the ""Insurance Blog", which started as keyword laden drivel. However, there is a limited amount of drivel that I can produce. Eventually, good statistical computing info started to flow - interspersed with keyword laden drivel. According so some research by some start-up analytics company, "insurance" is one of the highest paying keywords. ;-)

When I saw in Google Analytics that my drivel blog was coming up in searches and actually helping people, I became proud of my content. So here is a blog that I am completely proud of: all the info, without the drivel.