Suppose that a our dataset is seasonal and that we intend to use a seasonal ARIMA model. We need to test our time to see if it is seasonal integrated.
Version 3.x of the "forecast" R package has a new function for testing for seasonal unit roots. The function is nsdiffs().
R also comes with a US Accidental Deaths dataset.
So to follow along, open up R and type the following:
You will then see the US Accidental Deaths dataset. You can see that it is monthly.
Now install the "forecast" R package from CRAN. Then load it.
To view the help file for the nsdiffs() type:
It will bring up a page that is for both nsdiffs and ndiffs.
There are two tests that have been implemented in nsdiffs, the OCSB test (default) and the Canova-Hansen test. You can also speicify the seasonal period of your dataset. USAccDeaths is a TS object and the seasonal period or "frequency" is a data member of the USAccDeaths/TS object.
To perform the OCSB test:
To perform the Canova-Hansen test:
>nsdiffs(USAccDeaths, test="ch")
The ouput: "1" means that there is a seasonal unit root and "0" that there is no seasonal unit root.
You will notice that the two different tests give two different answers. This is because the Canova-Hansen test is less likely to decide in favour of a seasonal unit root than the OCSB test. Unlike the Canova-Hansen test, the OCSB test has a null hypothesis of a unit root. The USAccDeaths dataset is "on the edge". Osborn (1990) writes that when in doubt, it's better to seasonally difference.
Osborn, DR (1990) "A survey of seasonality in UK macroeconomic variables", International Journal of Forecasting 6(3):327-336
Osborn DR, Chui APL, Smith J, and Birchenhall CR (1988) "Seasonality and the order of integration for consumption", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 50(4):361-377.
Canova F and Hansen BE (1995) "Are Seasonal Patterns Constant over Time? A Test for Seasonal Stability", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 13(3):237-252.
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